Angelina Jolie’s Parenting Tips

Angelina Jolie’s Parenting Tips

Well, regardless of how you feel about Angelina Jolie, she is the mother of six kids. She says mothers need to “cherish” every minute they have with their children. Who would argue with that?
“Just enjoy every minute of it because it goes so fast and it is the best time in your life. And strap them to you and hang out with them and sleep in the same bed with them and just love every second of it.”
It does go by so fast, doesn’t it? Angelina said part of the reason she agreed to star in ‘The Tourist’ with Johnny Depp was because of the opportunity it would give her kids.
“You just have to focus on the positive side. I got to spend two months in Venice filming which no one gets to do, with a co-star who’s so lovely, so it’s all hard to say no to.
“We make a point to stay together as a family when we’re filming, in this town you’ve got to. We take turns working so everybody packed up and went to Venice.
“I think some people are affected by fame, I’m lucky that I have a lot of kids who keep me very, very grounded.”
Angelina and Brad Pitt do seem to make the most of the opportunities that come their way as actors for their kids, don’t they?
