Kelly Preston Explains Her Scientology Silent Birth

Kelly Preston Explains Her Scientology Silent Birth

New mom Kelly Preston was on the the ‘Today Show’ this morning as part of the press for “Casino Jack” and she decided to put to rest the misconceptions about the Scientology “silent birth” process.
“everyone attending the birth should refrain from spoken words as much as possible … chatty doctors and nurses, shouts to ‘PUSH, PUSH’ and loud or laughing remarks to ‘encourage’ are avoided.” Preston explains, “Silent birth is basically just no words as much as possible. If you need to moan, if you need to cry out … of course that’s normal. But, it’s just bringing them in, in as peaceful and gentle a way as possible.”
Kelly credits the process for her kids’ calm and relaxed personalities:
“My kids have always been amazing. Just very calm, very peaceful, happy and I absolutely know it’s very much because of that.”
There are so many rumors that are out there about Scientology, I’m sure it’s frustrating to not have that truth out there. But then again, it seems hard to find any real, solid info on the religion – most of it seems to be hearsay?
